Week One! Alphabet House!

We LOVE this months theme! ALPHABET HOUSE!!! It is the perfect transition into the summer months. Working with letters and learning the different living quarters that are in the world was such a fun experience. While we were out and about over the weekend our son was pointing out all the different houses and apartment complexes that we passed. One of my favorite things about our Mother Goose Time Curriculum is that we can work it into our daily life.

Week one had some great topics. Day one talked about Houses. We discussed how different houses have an upstairs and a basement, large porches and small porches as well as big yards with grass and small yards with just rocks. With our day one activities, we had a cut out of a house that Max was able to paint and decorate how he wished, as well as new name tags to practice writing out names.  We also started building our Alphabet house!

Day two was a learning experience for our little guy! He LOVES staying in hotels but had a hard time understanding the concept of an apartment. The topic poster was a good reference point for us to look at and discuss. Then we played with the alphabet apartment that came with our lesson two packet. We flipped all the letters over and then took turns picking a letter and finding it on the paper. We also used our I Spy magnifying glasses to look at different objects in the theme poster. Max really enjoyed finding different colors in the poster and then hopping to an object with the same color in our homeschool room. His favorite part of today was playing the elevator game. He showed this to dad as soon as he got home!

Day three went fairly quickly. We are a military family so we move A LOT! Needless to say our three year old has traveled more than most adults I know. He is well versed on hotels and we own a travel trailer so this particular day really didn't keep him interested. Lesson three came with some cool activities though! We made a roadmap for our next camping trip with the road map and road signs that were supplied in our kit. We attempted to draw a dream house on the front of our journal, read our Goldilocks book and did the RV night puzzle. He enjoyed the RV night puzzle the most and did the puzzle a few times. Last, we added the letter C to our Alphabet house on the wall. 

Houseboats were our day four topic. This was very interesting to Max. He thought it was so cool that you can actually live on a boat! This day we started out by adding the letter D to our alphabet house on the wall. While we were still sitting in our circle time area we read our Goldilocks book again and used our storytelling pieces, that came in the lesson four kit, where Max was able to retell the story. He also put a twist on it and made up his own story. Then to get our wiggles out, we went outside to our water table and used some aluminum foil to make a boat. We used our counting cube and rolled to see how many "people" (coins) we had to put our boat we made. We made it into a game! The first person to sink the boat lost. After that, we came back inside and finished our day using the shape sheet, craft stick and background paper to create houseboats. 

Dragons and queens and kings OH MY! This was an entertaining day.  We started by adding the letter E to our Alphabet house on the wall and then we sat down and decorated our crowns. Then we sang along with the "In the Castle" track on our circle time CD that came with this months teacher packet! I had Max stand on the landing of our stairs and that was our "castle" for the day. He decided the best place to do his Goldilocks puzzle was in his castle. Then we draped blankets over the handrails of the stairs and made a "dungon" where our silly dragon lived.  We decided that our dragon did not breath fire but he told jokes! What a perfect way to end the week; with a little dragon joke! 

Why do dragons sleep during the day? - So they can fight knights!!!

 We love using out Mother Goose Time curriculum! I really enjoy being able to blog and share our personalized experience with it.
