Today we had lots of fun with our lesson! Dolphins were the topic! Who doesn't love dolphins? The first thing we did was draw waves on our paper plate and the blue semi-circle. Then I attempted to draw a dolphin (as you can see I am not an artist). After I got the dolphin cut out, I had my little guy glue it on the plate. Once we attached the centerpiece, he was able to spin the plate and see the dolphin jumping through the water.
The dolphin art project was the perfect transition to our next activity. Counting our dolphin jumps! We used the counting cube, took turns and rolled. Whatever number it landed on, was the number of times we had to "jump like a dolphin".
The dolphin art project was the perfect transition to our next activity. Counting our dolphin jumps! We used the counting cube, took turns and rolled. Whatever number it landed on, was the number of times we had to "jump like a dolphin".
Once we got our wiggles out, we were able to sit down and read the book provided for us in the lesson. My son loved tracing the letters all the different ways the book suggested. His favorite was tracing with his toes.
We finished our morning off playing the matching game with the new ocean animal cards. This game is great because it teaches our son to be patient when taking turns and it helps him work with his short-term memory. All these wonderful activities and supplies are part of our Ocean Theme with Mother Goose Time Curriculum.
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